Training Phone Number List workshop Driving power on savings and development Financial literacy (Financial Literacy) is organized around the object Intended to promote knowledge Understanding of Savings and management provide financial services to Provincial level community development officer, district development officer/development officer and group network committee Provincial savings for production in 76 provinces nationwide. To see the importance of saving for the benefit of others yourself and family There was a team of lecturers from the Tang To Know-how project joining in the training to provide knowledge.

Finance in this meeting as well, which received the attention of the participants Participate in training and will apply the knowledge gained to apply in daily life and broadcast to the people in the area The place that is responsible The Tangto Know-how Project by Thai Credit Bank Public Company Limited was organized under the concept of EMpower to strengthen financial power. for everyone in society through knowledge transfer Financial and business skills The goal is for everyone to have life. Absolutely good financial knowledge stable and sustainable Currently, the Tangto Know-how project has earned the trust of both Government and private sector agencies provide training. Provide financial knowledge training to people all over the country.